June 7, 2016October 13, 2023


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CALVARY LIGHT BIBLE SCHOOL { CLBS } is a combination of a web based and a week end program, nonsectarian, coeducational, seven months Training Program


The objectives of CLBS are:
1. To lead each student to a fuller and deeper experience of Christ Saviour and Lord and to expose him to wholesome spiritual influences which will develop Christian character and Christ-centered living.

2. To guide each student into a comprehensive knowledge of Biblical principles, content and doctrine, through a systematic study of the infallible Word, and to equip him with methods for a Continuing personal study.

3. To confront the student with the Gospel imperative of ìmaking disciples of all nationsî and to instill within him an awareness of personal responsibility in carrying out that imperative.

4. To help and encourage the student to desire and experience a true love and dedication to God and the Church, the Body of Christ, and to guide him to find his place in the Body.

5. To equip the student to meaningfully fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of the specialized Christian service to which he is called – evangelist, pastor, teacher, soul winner, etc.

6. To instruct the student in methods of biblical building and delivery of sermons, to prepare him in pastoral counseling spiritual leadership and church government and to give him adequate biblical and spiritual foundation for his pulpit, pastoral and prophetic ministries.

7. To desire for a continual pursuit of spiritual growth through the personal application of the disciplines acquired throughout the student training experience.

The prospective student should submit an application before he can be offered a place at CLBS. In order to qualify for admission at CLBS an individual (man or woman) must:
Be a true believer with an assurance of salvation and freedom from a life of sin. Such must be at least two years old in the faith and must show marks of christian maturity and commitment to Christ.

Have an eagerness, and a deep concern to be used for the salvation of souls without the motive of personal carnal gain in the heart.

Provide recommendation from a minister or a mature christian worker, two friends and the employer, who have knowledge and evidence of the applicant’s christian life, conduct and compassion for souls.